November 7, 2023: Virginia Elections
- VA State Senate
- VA House
- Local School Boards
- Boards of Supervisors
• Monday Oct 16, 2023: Last Day to Register to Vote. Note: Same-Day Voter Registration is now allowed but with provisional ballots.
• Sat. Nov. 4, 2022: Deadline to Request Vote By Mail
• Monday Oct. 16: Early Voting begins
Polls are open 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, November 7, 2023.
Visit the Clarke County Elections Website for how to vote and election deadlines
Electoral Board
The appointed Electoral Board is composed of three members who are responsible for conducting elections in Clarke County. Their duties include appointing and training poll workers, choosing polling places, printing ballots, administration of absentee ballots, maintaining financial reports of candidates, ascertaining the results of elections, and organizing election procedures.
Current Members:

- Carol Westervelt, Chair (Republican)
- Kelly J. Johnson, Vice Chair (Republican)
- Kay M. Briggs, Secretary (Democrat)
For more information contact:
Barbara B. Bosserman
Director of Elections and General Registrar
(540) 955-5168
[email protected]