Our Focus

Electing Democrats.

Democrats can’t protect your freedom if they don’t get elected. Your vote matters. Your rights matter. Your family’s education matters.

What can you do? 

FIRST: Stay informed. Take time to stay on top of issues and find out what is going on around you – local, state, and federal. CCDC presents current information on our website, our Facebook page, and our Twitter feed.

SECOND: Of course – VOTE!

Engage with all of your progressive neighbors and friends and get THEM out to VOTE. 

THIRD: Write the Check!

Not in your budget? Think about what is going on in government right now and I think you will find a way to support your candidate! We are asking for money like NPR, but we will represent you in Congress.


We host regular Community Guest Speaker events on issues that touch our community and your life. Join us – and bring a friend!

How can you help? 

  • Volunteer with the CCDC to help at the Clarke County Fair, Juneteenth, Parades, the CCDC Annual Picnic
  • The literacy group in Winchester can use volunteers! Help people fill out passport forms.
  • Josephine School Community Museum welcomes volunteers
  • Don’t have the time? Donate to the CCDC or to one of the progressive candidates that we support!
  • Hold a FUNDRAISER – ask us how!

We engage in regular community events and welcome volunteers to work with us.

We are organized by Sub-Committees.

How can you help?

  • Communications
  • Outreach
  • Elections
  • Data & Tech
  • Knowledge Sharing and Training
  • Fundraising