CCDC Bylaws

Clarke County Democratic Committee Bylaws 

(Adopted at the Regular CCDC Meeting held on April 2, 2024) 

Article I.  Organization

1.1      Name.  The name of the organization shall be the Clarke County Democratic Committee of Virginia, hereinafter referred to as the “CCDC.”

1.2      Fiscal Year.  The fiscal year of the CCDC will be from January 1 through December 31.

Article II.  Authority

The CCDC is organized under the authority of, and in accordance with, the Code of Virginia and the Party Plan of the Democratic Party of Virginia, herein referred to as the “Party Plan.”  Nothing contained in these Bylaws is intended to conflict with the Code or the Party Plan.  If such a conflict should occur, the Code and/or the Party Plan will have precedence.  All activities of the CCDC, including scheduled meetings, primaries, conventions and fundraising, will be conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Party Plan.

Article III.  Purpose

3.1      Purpose.  The purpose of the CCDC will be to serve as the organizing body of the Democratic Party within Clarke County to assist, among other things, organizing the nomination process for party-nominated candidates, recruiting and supporting Democratic candidates for office, protecting a level playing field in all electoral contests, championing Democratic policies and values and building deeper relationships with the community.

3.2      Endorsements.  The CCDC shall not, as a committee, endorse any candidate in any Democratic Party primary election or caucus; it shall also not endorse any candidate in a convention not authorized by the Democratic Party.  The CCDC will fully support candidates once they have become official nominees of the Democratic Party.

Article IV.  Membership

4.1      Membership.  Persons request becoming CCDC members by submitting an application form to an Executive Committee officer at any scheduled meeting or by forwarding their application electronically or by U.S. Mail to the CCDC.  Acceptance as a member is contingent upon a vote of approval at the next scheduled CCDC monthly meeting.

4.2      Removal.  The CCDC shall have the right to remove anyone from membership for failure to uphold the rules and principles of the Democratic Party of Virginia as set forth in the State Party Plan.

4.3      Eligibility.  CCDC members must be registered to vote in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

4.4      Dues.  The fee for membership dues will be set by the Executive Committee, with input from the membership.  The dues’ amounts may be amended following a 30 (thirty) day notice to the membership.

4.5      Dues Waivers.  The Executive Committee will have the discretion to waive dues for a prospective member if doing so is judged to be beneficial to the CCDC.

Article V.  Executive Committee

5.1      Composition.  The CCDC Executive Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.  Candidates for the Executive Committee must be members of the CCDC.

5.2      Responsibilities.  The Executive Committee acts, as necessary, on behalf of the CCDC between regular meetings of the organization.  Among other things, the Executive Committee shall: submit agenda items for scheduled CCDC meetings to promote informed decision-making; prepare organizational plans for future CCDC activities for the members’ consideration; develop policy recommendations for the members to review and vote upon; and ensure implementation of CCDC approved decisions.

5.3      Election and Term of Office.  The membership shall organize and elect the Executive Committee pursuant to the Party Plan.  All voting during an election shall be done by secret ballot, except when a candidate or slate of candidates is unopposed.  The Executive Committee shall serve a term of 2 (two) years beginning January 1 of even numbered years.  The elected Executive Committee has the right to vote on CCDC business immediately upon election.

5.4      Subcommittees.  At the beginning of the January of even numbered years, the Executive Committee, with input from the members, will propose a subcommittee structure to support CCDC priorities. The Executive Committee will backstop subcommittee efforts to advance CCDC goals, and promote coordination among the subcommittees’ initiatives.

5.5      Democratic Party Leaders.  If residing in Clarke County, all Democratic office holders whether local, state or federal, and officers of the Congressional District Committee, shall be ex-officio voting members of the CCDC.

5.6      Vacancies/Resignations.  A vacancy in the Executive Committee shall be open for candidates to fill for the remainder of the term.  The Executive Committee must provide a 10 (ten) calendar day notice of the vacancy before scheduling an election to fill it.  To be elected, a candidate must receive a majority vote of those members present at the meeting scheduled for the election.  Resignations may be sent electronically or via letter addressed to the CCDC Chair or, if circumstances warrant, to the Vice Chair.

5.7      Removal.  Any Executive Committee officer shall be subject to removal from office if the other Executive Committee officers judge that the person in question may have committed misfeasance, malfeasance or willful neglect of duty required by the office.  The Chair of CCDC or Vice Chair must notify the officer in question in writing of the Executive Committee’s intention to report its concerns to the membership no more than 20 (twenty) and no less than 10 (ten) days before any regular or special meeting is to take place to consider such an action.  The individual in question shall be afforded the right to be heard and to refute any finding made against him or her by the Executive Committee before any vote is taken.  Removal shall be by 2/3 (two-thirds) vote of the CCDC members present at a scheduled meeting.  The vote shall be taken by secret ballot, taken in a closed session. A decision by the CCDC to remove an Executive Committee officer may be appealed to the Congressional District Committee.

5.8      Records.  The records, pertinent to the CCDC (with the exception of electronic communications), will be available for inspection by any member of the CCDC.  Requests for inspection must be made in writing to the Executive Committee and shall be honored by all officers within 10 (ten) calendar days of request.

Article VI.  Duties of the Executive Committee Officers

6.1      The Chair.  The Chair will preside at all meetings of the CCDC and generally guide the business and functioning of the organization.  The Chair shall be the official spokesperson for the CCDC and serve as Chair of the Executive Committee. The Chair may appoint, with input from members, Chairs to subcommittees.  The Chair can recommend the creation of additional Executive Committee positions, but a majority vote of the CCDC members present at the next scheduled meeting, held with a 10 (ten) calendar days’ notice, will be required for approval.  The Chair, or his/her designate, will serve as ex-officio member of all subcommittees. The Chair will perform other duties as required by the Bylaws, the Party Plan and the Code of Virginia.

6.2      District Representative.  The Chair will appoint a District Representative to be the Executive Committee’s liaison to congressional district and state proceedings.  The District Representative will attend these meetings with other representatives and keep the CCDC informed of the actions of the Congressional District Committee.  This is an appointed position unless the appointment is contested.  The Representative is appointed for a 4 (four) year term beginning January 1 in the year of each gubernatorial election.

6.3      The Vice Chair.  The Vice Chair will assume all duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair or when the Chair is unable to act.  The Vice Chair will serve as an ex-officio member of all subcommittees to facilitate timely communication and coordination of committee activities.

6.4      The Secretary.  The Secretary will keep accurate and organized records of CCDC scheduled meetings and provide timely written notice, via electronic means, of them.  The Secretary will also keep the CCDC member roll (name, address, e-mail, telephone) up to date at all times in concert with the Treasurer. He/she will conduct correspondence as well as fulfill any required state and federal filling requirements.  Minutes shall be transmitted to members electronically within 7 (seven) calendar days prior to the next scheduled meeting.

6.5      The Treasurer.  The Treasurer will have charge of all funds belonging to the CCDC, and will deposit them in a bank to the credit of the CCDC.  The Treasurer will secure a second signature from one of the other Executive Officers for each check written over $500 (five hundred dollars) on behalf of the CCDC.  He/she will pay all bills and maintain complete records of transactions.  The Treasurer will be in charge of collecting and recording membership dues and, in concert with the Secretary, regularly update the CCDC regarding paid members.  A financial report will be sent electronically in advance of each scheduled CCDC meeting and presented at each meeting.

Article VII.  Meetings

7.1      Scheduled Meetings.  CCDC scheduled meetings shall be open to the public, except when any particular meeting or portion thereof may be held in executive session when requested by the majority of the CCDC members then present.  The CCDC shall convene a minimum of 6 (six) scheduled meetings in a calendar year with said meetings scheduled on the first Tuesday of the month, excluding those months when elections are being held on that date or other Democratic Party/CCDC events may take precedence.

7.2      Special Meetings.  Special meetings can be called by the Chair or by 30% (thirty percent) of the members of the CCDC in writing to the Secretary 10 (ten) calendar days before a proposed meeting.  The purpose of this meeting must be stated in the notice, and only that specific business will be taken up.  A majority vote at a scheduled meeting can also set up a future special meeting, with an advance notice of 10 (ten) days, on a specific topic.   

7.3      Quorum.  A quorum shall consist of 20% (twenty percent) of the membership. A simple majority of members present is required for any official action of the CCDC.

Article VIII.  Amending the Bylaws

These bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 (two-thirds) majority of the members present at any meeting, providing that the notice and the proposed change(s) have been made available to all members not less than 15 (fifteen) calendar days prior to the vote on the proposed change(s).

Article IX.  Parliamentary Authority

The rules governing the CCDC will be the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order in all cases that those rules are applicable and do not conflict with the Bylaws, Party Plan and the Code of Virginia.